Ieschure - ‘’I think extreme music is immortal,''
Ieschure is the reflection of its Artist Lilita Arndt. Honesty and passion that creates formless shadows that embrace and yet pierce the...
Ieschure - ‘’I think extreme music is immortal,''
Thumos - ''The arts are like a universal language and they are ageless''
Cryer - '' I have a complicated relationship with this genre of music''
Shiningstar - ''You can develop metal music and evolve in different ways''
Tombstone - “Death comes to the tombstone”
Torches of Nero - ‘’Purity lies in the knowledge that darkness provides''
Resonance - Sarcoptes - Telesterion -Torches of Nero -Ensanguinate - Lotan - DarkThrone
Resonance -Altari- Kunstquad-Diablation- Blodtar -Carathis- Mallus Spiritus