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Jul 26, 20222 min read
Darkher - ‘’I think we all have darkness and light within us''
Evocative, powerful, and engrossing. The music that Jayn Maiven creates on her solo project Darkher is complex yet earthen. ‘’The Buried...
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Jul 25, 20223 min read
Archurahl - Nihilistic Black Metal
‘’ I (Altgroth), the only member of Archurahl founded the band in 2020 and the first single was released in 2021. The purpose of the band...
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Jul 25, 20224 min read
Astral Ruin - ''I believe that our higher consciousness is connected with all living things''
Elizabeth (all instruments /vocals) ‘’I spent a long time coming up with band names. I had already written three songs for the project...
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Jul 18, 20226 min read
Neroth - The coalescence of Black Metal and Classical female vocals
The Beginning of Neroth? Is it taken from your homeland? Ihmset (Guitars) ‘’No, the name actually is not taking from our homeland. Our...
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Jul 18, 20224 min read
Imperial Slave - Freedom Dies
‘’We are all imperial slaves. Anyone that has to work for someone else. Having to turn up at a certain time, do what they are told and...
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Jul 18, 20226 min read
Resonance- Denouncement Pyre - Thromdarr - After Evolution - Regnant -Putricid - Downcross
Denouncement Pyre – Forever Burning 9/10 Horrifying the masses with barbarism, darkness, and vitriolic hate. Melbourne’s...
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Jul 13, 20228 min read
Infirmum - The Great Unknown...
Infirmum began as the sole creation of Timo Solonen and from 2019 it has continually evolved and pursued the heaviest froms of music and...
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