Strzyga and Advorsus are the two minds behind the hellish vision that is Cultus Profano. Their music conjures darkness and intensity and continues the values set forth by the European masters who set the original tone for the genre that is Unholy Black Metal. The Americans have unleashed Accursed Possession, an album that continues the rawness and intensity that is Cultus Profano but continues their unique and uncompromisingly intense musical vision, but was it harder to follow up their debut Sacramentum Obscurus?
Advorsus: ‘’No, it was not easier since our process for composing has remained the same since we formed the band.’’
Has playing live honed and expanded your vision?
Strzyga: ‘Not our vision, but it has expanded our arsenal. Our vision has always been to create and spread dark music and it has allowed us to cast our darkness in a live setting.’
The atmosphere created on Accursed Possession suggests a larger band at work. What goes into each track?
A: ‘Like in Sacramentum Obscurus, each song is sculpted and moulded with a specific goal in mind. We begin some songs with a specific drum idea and others with a guitar riff. Once we have the first guitar and drums composed, we begin to focus on the other instruments.’

How do you create an epic like " Devoted to the Black Horns" without compromise and adding unnecessary elements?
S:’ On “Devoted to the Black Horns, Op. 16,” we let the music speak and the darkness flow. It is one of our favourite tracks of this album and it carries a specific dark aura.’
Does an idea create an opus or is your music following a larger path?
A:’ Each opus has one goal and that is to create darkness. Every song is just a different path that leads to the same direction.’
Your sound belies your origins. Should it be viewed without borders?
S:’ Yes, our music, as well as any music, should be viewed for what it is- regardless of where it comes from. There is too much unnecessary focus on that matter. Darkness can be summoned from any part of the world.’
Would you classify your sound as dark energy?
A: ‘Music is subjective, and we do not like to classify our sound. We write our music with an obscure vision and people can interpret it as they will.’

Does current events and music influence Cultus Profano?
S: ‘No, we do not concern ourselves with what is going on in the world or current trends when we compose our music. Everything that we write must fulfil our vision regardless of outside factors.’
Has black metal lost its focus with subgenres and overindulgence?
A: ‘Although black metal is changing, I do not believe it has lost its focus. As long as the darkness remains intact then the flame will continue to burn.’
2020 is a mess. When can the world expect to see you live again?
A:’ It is still tough to confirm anything, but we do have some killer offers for 2021. We will see if this pandemic is over by then. We are ready to spread blasphemy throughout the world.’
The greatest black metal song ever (if it isn't yours)
A: ‘It is impossible for us to choose just one song, there are far too many unholy masterpieces.’
Final thoughts plans?
S: Cheers! It is killer to be a part of the Coroner’s Report!
Grandiosa oscuridad sonora..