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  • Writer's pictureSparky

Sorry.... 'Exists as a personal need to express myself''

Sorry… have returned.‘’ Self Inflicted Razor Cutting” is a haunting depressive release of music that delves deeper into despair and hopelessness. They exemplify the ideals of DSBM with their emotion and depression palpable , visceral and real. It is a continuous cycle that Self Inflicted Razor Cutting explores with pain and isolation.

Dimitris (Guitars, composition) ‘’I guess it's a mix of “Innocence.Love.Sadness” and the older albums. Evolution always exists in production, but in song writing I think it's more or less the same.

Why does Sorry.. Exist? Is it a personal experience brought forth through music?

‘’I have the inner need to create. And the art that I know more is music, so that's how I express my feelings, through the music.

The idea of creating depressive music to create light? Should music/art be a cathartic process?

‘’It could work as cathartic and healing for some. For some others it could be just music. Sorry...exists as a personal need to express myself and then whatever follows after that.

Being united through music? Is Sorry .. part of a family where you can share and be the

individual honestly without judgment?

‘’Well I guess I am a toxic person, so I cause problems to my relations. But thanks to Daniel andto Void that they are so passive with me and we keep this relationship warm and productive.

The juxtaposition of darkness and light? Can one also inspire the other?

‘’That's too philosophical and I don't think that I am the right person to answer that. I think the Chinese have this Yin and Yang, maybe you could get your answer there. 😀

Are you comfortable being known as a DSBM act?

‘’Yeah I'm very comfy with dsbm act, I feel very myself and I love to listen to other dsbm bands or create more music and try to offer my part to this scene, to make it grow and keep it alive.I love almost every single dsbm band, from the most commercial and successful to the most amateur in such a level that drums might not be synchronized with the guitars but I will still listen to it, because it has something to tell me.

Should music constantly evolve and surprise?

‘’To be honest dsbm is quite repeatable, from one band to the other you listen almost the same loops, riffs etc. but each band gives its own character into it, so I like this lets call it “dsbm traditionalism” but also I like surprises, Esipram surprised me and inspired me a lot.

Your plans to play live in 2024? Will it be extensive ?

‘’I dont know much about it yet. Let's see how things will go.

Further plans for Sorry...

‘’New ep!

Top six albums of all time?

‘’Hmm I never thought about it.

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

Old Man’s Child - Born of the Flickering

Gehenna - First Spell

Summoning - Minas

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