Oizys is an atmospheric Black metal outfit and its creator M.S. draw upon the past, present and the future to create epic sonic soundscapes that evoke emotion, honesty, and passion. The music is sparse yet focused, hailing from Perth in western Australia Originally recorded on "Hymns to the Furies". Oizys have returned with Alecto XXI.
You have re-recorded Alecto XX1 exactly 11 years after it was first issued. Is the Furie of Unrelenting Anger the most important to you? and the decision for this track?
‘’This was my favourite track from the album, which is why I decided to re-record it. To me it flows quite well, and I like that it captures a few different emotions in it. Structurally, I like to think that it tells a story - or a passage/transition - from life, to death, to madness. In some ways I see it as a perspective of a psychopomp, a topic I’m really intrigued by. I also wanted to get back into the process of writing and recording, so I can start releasing other music I’ve been working on since then.’’
What have you been up to in the intervening years?
‘’I’ve mostly been working, studying, learning, and travelling/exploring. I’ve always written some music here and there, but I decided to push myself and start working on music that I can share with other people. I can struggle with focus sometimes as there’s so many things I enjoy doing and such little time! I’m quite perturbed by people who complain about being bored.’’

You have a split release on the way? with who?
‘’Yes! I’m currently working on a Split with another artist from Western Australia - SEANCE OF. I’m hoping to get my tracks wrapped up fairly soon, so we can look at a release. ‘’
What will it be like? conceptual in nature?
The tracks I’m working on will hopefully tie in together in some way - I’m still fleshing out some lyrical ideas to go along with the music. I generally write the music before I write the lyrics to go along with it - which can be a little tricky at times, as I don’t have any particular “agenda” that I’d like to push through my music. I enjoyed using the Furies as a frame for my previous release as it was a great archetypal reference - I like creating (and listening to) music that gives you space for exploring and interpretation.
Oizys is the Greek Goddess that defines Misery. is it her Sadness that draws you and the decision to use the name? She is also a large part of your music
Yes and no, I like that she’s tied along with darker themes (misery, anxiety etc) - but she’s also the twin of Momus, who represents mockery and criticism/satire. In my own way I see that as an extension of a bit of a trickster - something subversive perhaps.
You play all the instruments in Oizys. Does this allow for your vision to be realised without compromise and outside forces?
‘’Absolutely - I’ve always admired solo projects (regardless of genre) and there is something really satisfying about being able to create something you’re proud of. I’m fiercely independent in many aspects of my life, and I like that I’m the only one I can hold accountable for what I do. I think all artists have a drive / intention for their expression, which is what can make art / music so unique - I wouldn’t want anyone to stand in my way, nor to stand in anyone else's way, for that matter, just to reach a compromise. For me, my music is personal in its own way and I'm content with that for now.’’
Is atmospheric black metal the best way to describe your music. It’s such an open term?
‘’I would say so, yes. I recorded a few things under the moniker “The Archivist” many moons ago, and I intended to separate my two “styles” of writing into two projects, but I’m planning to simply use Oizys from now on. To me - “atmospheric” simply means that it can invoke a feeling from the listener or strike up some images or other-worldly themes within the space. When I listen to something that makes me think about different places, or feel something unexpected, view things from a different perspective - that is wonderful. If it inspires me to view the world with a bit more magic and curiosity - even better! Obviously with some music they aren’t always “pleasant” feelings, but it (black metal) can be such a moving form of music.’’

What is it about Black metal that draws you to it? is it the freedom of expression lyrically and musically?
‘’I grew up listening to a lot of classical music (it’s been a part of my family for various reasons) - one thing that has always drawn me to Black metal is how diverse it can be, just like classical music. I love that it can encapsulate so many different emotions and themes - often even within one song! Structurally it’s also similar to classical music, it doesn’t always follow the verse/chorus pattern like general rock/pop music. It’s very expressive - in my mind it doesn’t have any “rules” (some would argue with that, I’m sure) - it’s a really unique genre, to me.’’
What was your original inspiration for extreme music and does any new stuff excite you today?
‘’I started listening to black metal many moons ago, I’ve enjoyed other genres of metal (early 90’s death metal for example, Mythic are killer) but I’ve always listened to genres outside of metal too - I think it’s important to have some diversity. I’ve always felt that metal has a realness to it that I don’t often hear in other kinds of music. I’m particularly drawn to early 90’s bands - I’m not sure if it’s just down to the recording quality/limitations, but so much of it has this atmosphere and nostalgic, magical feel to it - it’s exceptional! The same goes for some electronic music from that time as well.’’
‘’There are definitely some great new bands - and newer work from more established bands as well. The new release from PESTIS CULTUS (another Perth project) is definitely worth mentioning. ‘’
Is classical literature your only inspiration ?
‘’I’m inspired by all kinds of things - anything that invokes wonderment or exploration and imagination. Topics like the natural world, spirits, the stars, dreams etc - anything that allows the mind to wander.’’

As A modern society have, we forgotten the power of the furies/ goddesses?
‘’Absolutely - I’ve always had strong spiritual beliefs about life, death, the afterlife and so on. You can view these myths (the Furies and similar) from many different perspectives - I wouldn’t push my perspectives in any way. But to me they represent judgement, or reflection on your deeds (or misdeeds) - something that holds you accountable for your actions. Whether you believe that will be powers outside of yourself, or yourself, it’s still a valuable lesson for self-reflection and betterment. In the example of the Furies - they punished wrong-doers with madness after death, I believe that if some people had to relive their lives, they would indeed go mad! I don’t think Death should be feared by any means, but I do think modern Western culture has a very detached / alienated perspective of it, which is unfortunate.’’
What is the greatest lesson they can teach us?
‘’It depends on your belief system - I think that we will all be held accountable at some point for our actions - whether that is by ourselves, or other forces, who knows. I enjoy learning about people’s near-death experiences for this very reason. Some would argue it’s simply the brain shutting down etc which triggers these experiences, but some believe it to be mystical experiences and visions of what is to come. Regardless of what you believe they are, they all carry a similar thread, so I can only imagine we will all be in store for something along those lines too. ‘’
The greatest book we've never read.
‘’That’s an excellent question! I think any book that helps someone improve themselves - whether it be mentally, physically, or spiritually is a wondrous thing. So, there are many books that have helped shape me, but I’m not entirely sure they would be helpful for everybody else. Some books I’ve been reading lately would be.
Crafting the Arte of Tradition - Shani Oates
Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic - T Karlsson
Chaos Protocols - Gordon White
I also really enjoy “Anatomy of the Spirit” and “The Emerald Tablet”
The biggest misconception about Oizys and your music?
‘’I’m not sure what people assume about my music - everyone is welcome to their own opinions and judgements, really. I just write music that I like to listen to - if other people find enjoyment and meaning in that, that’s very humbling. I don’t have an agenda, cause or image that I intend to push - I don’t need to prove anything, to anyone - I just intend to write music that articulates ideas, concepts or themes that I find moving. ‘’
Plans for the future.
I have many ideas I’d like to work on - I’m looking to include some of my older work on my Bandcamp page (from ‘The Archivist’ era) and releasing an EP later this year.
Top 6 albums of all time
This is super tricky to narrow down to just six, so I would say some of my favourite metal would be.
Diabolical Masquerade - Ravendusk in my Heart
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions
Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusua 1 - Fathers of the Icy Age
Bal-Sagoth - A Black Moon Broods over Lemuria
Nightbringer - Ego Dominus Tuus
Other music I really enjoy.
Mark Snow - X-Files limited release boxsets (La-La land records)
Grimes - Visions
Anilah - Warrior
Cocteau Twins - Garlands / Treasure