Preston (Guitarist, Producer, and founding member of Mass of Amara) ‘’The evolution of MoA really started when Ella and I had a solid idea that immediately made me see the potential in starting the project. Fresh out of the pandemic, I had written the song Rebirth (which we have on our music profile as a single) Ella had heard what I was doing and asked if she could write vocals to it and I at the time didn’t really think much of it, but I was sure. Maybe a week later she brings back melodies and some screams and the second I heard it I was like this music has the potential to be something great. It took some time but we eventually recruited Victor as our second guitar player, then Joseph our drummer, and it was a 4 piece for quite a while then one of my closest friends Josh asked if we still needed a bass player and naturally I said yes but josh is a guitar player mainly, and he shreds so after like 2 rehearsals on bass I was like nah we’ll just take inspiration from bands like Periphery and Whitechapel and rock 3 guitarists.
''Through the ether really started when Victor and I got together and worked on 4 songs that eventually became what are on the EP. Collectively we had some songs we have had on the back burner that just meshed well together, so eventually we were in the studio tracking the songs and soon our vision for the EP was under way.
Mass of Amara have created the heavier, rawer Through the Ether .EP that not only confirms the progressive and melodious elements from their debut but redefines it. Mass of Amara have created a unique personal self-healing journey that tackles confrontations directly and the result is tougher more atmospheric piece of heavy art.
‘’For me, since I recorded and mixed this EP myself, I definitely wanted to go for a tougher sound, but we also have some atmospheric parts as well which I think contrasts really well with Ellas’s voice, so I think it just kind of formed naturally. It wasn’t a goal out of the gate, but once it started to come together it was like yeah, these songs are gonna rip.
The darkness and light reflected through your music.
‘’Darkness and light is a great way to describe it. I feel like the songs have this kind of push and pull effect just because of the contrast of the songs. Heavy and mean sections followed by the soft pretty clean sections only to drag you through the mud some more at the end.
Through The Ether is part of a healing process? And the music a cathartic experience?
I'd definitely say this release wasn't primarily part of a healing process. Definitely aided in healing things that we were going through at the time. A lot has happened since our initial formation in 2021 so in three years to finally get these songs off the ground and performing live has been so great. For example, Storm is a song I wrote in early 2021 way before the formation of MoA, and many times wondered if this song would ever be played live. I've personally tried starting up bands in the past that didn’t work out so there was a lot of frustration and pent-up energy. Writing through the ether I knew these songs were definitely gonna be played live so there was a lot of optimism.
The result is creative freedom drawing from many different musical styles.
I'd say for the most part the music has a common mood and or feeling. One of those things where I’ll hear an idea and know immediately it's a MoA song, so for the most part it goes down a similar path where we are always open to veering off the path, but it also just needs to sound right as well.
As far as different musical styles, I definitely think it comes naturally. A song like Unspoken, Victor brought that song to the table, and we spent the whole night re-tracking all the parts into my computer so we could start writing and finishing the song properly. He probably had about 80% of the song done, I might’ve rearranged a section or two, then came up with a way to end the song. I do remember that night it came together very fast.
Importance of heavier music and what drew you to it?
‘’For me, it’s always been who I was. Over the course of my musical life, it’s gotten heavier and lower tuned. A good breakdown or a good riff is all I need to fall in love with a song. After seeing many bands live in concert from huge metal acts to small venue acts, it’s just the best thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I think it’s important for the soul because you can be moved and have a life changing moment just by seeing your favorite band no matter if it’s in a stadium or a small club.
Future plans?
‘’We definitely wanna get an album done, that’s probably our next thing were working towards, as well as playing shows in between to keep everyone sharp and ultimately cuz it’s the best!
8 Top 6 Albums of all time?
That’s a tough one but I’d say these albums have shaped who I am as a person which led to the formation of MoA.
(In no order)
1 And justice for all (Metallica)
2 Dirt (Alice in chains)
3 The Great Collapse (Fit for an Autopsy)
4 The way of all flesh (Gojira)
5 Hate (Thy art is murder)
6 10000 days (Tool)