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Deimhal - ''Darkness has always been correlated to our music

From their Debut offering The Grand Gathering, Finland’s Deimhal have pursued relentlessly the combination of extreme black metal and its symbiosis with the symphonic. Technical, demanding their music is a maelstrom of proficiency and darkness. The Diabolical Liberation is Deimhals latest self release and represents the evolution of their music,

Mika Tönning (vocals) ‘’ Yes, I think we have grown both in terms of composition and as a band. Music is not necessarily so "simple" anymore, but we have never wanted to play simple music, but especially with these "EP" releases, we seek our own limits and want to try new approaches musically. For this release, we wanted to try both pure female and male vocals, and also at the level of composition, our music is a bit more melodic. "The Diabolical Liberation" is really only our second release and we can say that the development has taken place in a more positive direction.

Everything is sonically more demanding. Pushing the boundaries of black metal …

‘’ Just like that, our band's musical style has been carefully thought out because we have never wanted to just play "black metal" but we want to bring something new and unique to it, also for the reason that there are so many good bands playing traditional black metal in the world (which we also listen to ourselves) that we don't who wanted to mess up the genre with our own band. I think we already have a "own” sound" that is different from other bands, or at least I can't think of a band that we could directly compare our current music to. Symphonic black metal has always been close to our hearts and part of the band has played it before, so it seemed like the most natural solution when we set out to assemble this band.

It is more epic and grandiose…

‘’I think the latest EP is more impressive than its predecessor, although there is a noticeable difference musically. "The Grand Gathering" was maybe a bit more direct and raw, but for our latest release we may have been looking for our "own sound" and I think we've succeeded well in that. In general, with these EPs we have wanted to be more experimental and maybe test what works and what doesn't, both from our own point of view and on behalf of the listeners. Although it doesn't matter in terms of the end result because we will always do things the way we want and what pleases our own ears.

Is it the plan to continue to release Eps rather than a full length?

‘’We think it's time to make a full-length album next. These EPs have been really experimental for the reason that the burden of composition has been on me before, but now that we have new members in the band and the composition skills are found within the band, we have thought that it is time to make a full-length album next. The idea that we have been "practicing" with these EP releases is also that we have tried to find a partner who would be willing to commit and cooperate with us on a long-playing release. The only problem is that we are a band without any cooperation partner and we basically have to pay for and manage everything ourselves at this stage. One option in the future is that we record a full-length album first and offer it to record companies, and if we don't get a cooperation partner, the only option left is to release it by ourselves...somehow or with the help of fans. In principle, we could have already extended the release and made a few song samples ready and released the full-length later this year, but despite numerous attempts, no record company was interested, so the only option was to release a few songs as a digital EP.

It is also more aggressive…

‘’We could say that the songs of this Ep were born a little bit by themselves. Juka already had a couple of ready-made songs, from which we then started to develop the whole, and "Malice" was born from that. "Frostbound" was in a way the result of a collaboration between me and Jukka, I had a few riffs and Jukka continued where my ideas left off, so at least personally I'm very excited that there is now compositional skill within the band and we can always support each other when we're making a new song. The new songs are really faster, at least in terms of tempo, but not necessarily more aggressive. And just as you can hear when you listen to the songs, we have also sought a different approach in terms of vocal sounds. Why not use the whole vocal scale if you can do it?

The presence of darkness in your music…

“Darkness/gloominess or whatever you want to call it has always been personally present and it is unlikely that it will ever disappear. I've been listening and making (Since I was 13) to dark music all my life and my own life has never been about "dancing with roses" since I was little, so yes darkness has always been correlated to our music and it will hardly ever disappear from it.

What are the Flesh words of Sin?

 "The Flesh Words Of Sin" is the idea of ​​how the words of sin become flesh from a person, that is, how the thoughts of a stubborn and gloomy person come out of him and he is no longer afraid to present these thoughts to the world. Which leads to lyrics and which leads to he’s mindset of the writer and the way he thinks about this mankind...

Words of ill intentare more powerful than physical action…

‘’I think words are more powerful in that sense, because today's society is so networked that no matter what you say, what you say may pop up week after week, if you do something physically bad, you'll probably be written about for a week or two and then you'll be completely forgotten.

How do you define Malice and its direction..

‘’Malice is directed against all humanity. When talking for album covers this is a continuation of the previous EP cover. If anyone happens to remember the cover image of “The Grand Gathering” where the "wizards" were going to gather to cast a spell and wait for "evil" to rise, it happened on "Malice" single cover. The evil spirit were chained and were just waiting to be unchained to spread his destruction and pain all over mankind. In "The Diabolical Liberation" cover that all saw the "daylight" and Malice was finally free to bring the pest all over the world

And the term uncompromising...

‘’ For me, uncompromising in the musical sense is that you try to do everything as well as you can. Even if you are not the best or the most skilled player, a good composer, or a good lyricist, you always strive for the best you can at that moment. And you don't release anything that sounds "bad" to your ears.

 “We have never wanted to limit ourselves to any genre style, but we want to continue to be experimental with different things. However, our style will continue to be symphonic Black Metal, but how many more elements will be brought into it, or how much of them will be brought out on mix...only time will tell.

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