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  • Writer's pictureSparky

Darkened- Death Metal Excellence

The combined musical talent of Hempa Brynolfsson (guitar- Excruciate), Daryl Kahan ( bass – Funebrarum), Andy Whale (drums- Bolt Thrower),Gord Olson(Vocals – Angel Blast) Linus Nirbrant ( guitar- This Ending) have created Darkened, a jaw dropping selection of musicians who’s experience at their craft unleashed the mighty “ Into the Blackness” EP in 2019. 15 minutes of pure melodic death metal that began in 2018 as Hempa explains.

‘’Andy and Daryl talked about doing something together, and I got questioned to join, that was in March 2018. But they didn't have any material yet, so I began to do some riffing and sharing the riffs with them. And then in April 2018 I did like 5-6 tracks and in May 2018 I asked Linus to join the band. Then we decided 3 tracks to be recorded for the EP "Into the Blackness". So, we worked on these 3 tracks while looking for a vocalist. At first, we had an idea of using some different vocalists for the tracks, but in December 2018 we finally found a Gord, and he became a member.

It's quite the line-up did you all know each other before starting Darkened?

Well, Andy knew Daryl, Daryl knew me, I knew Linus, then I found Gord at YouTube 🙂

The inspiration for the name?

Nothing really, we just needed a name that fitted our music. And Darkened felt right.

Are the songs written by jamming or ...?

Well, I do the riffing and a pre-recording of the tracks with basic EZ-drummer drums. Then me and Linus work together with the arrangement and he add his solos and have great ideas. Then Andy record the drums the way he feels it should be. Gord doing the lyrics and record vocals, and Tobias record the bass. The track can be altered in the whole process with everyone doing their inputs.

What influences the band lyrically and Is this the inspiration for the music?

Lyrics are made by Gord, often after the music is done or middle in the process.

Your EP ‘’Into the Blackness’’ is pure death metal. Was it intentional to avoid all the modern elements of the genre?

We didn't try to avoid anything, just play the way as we want it to sound.

What is it about Death metal that still excites you after all this time?

Its very close to my metal-heart, and it never stops to excite me.

Why do think extreme metal is still so vital….?

Because its a way of life maybe.

Is less more?

Could be, depends on the outcome.

Why do think that old school death metal has become so popular again?

No idea didn't know it ever got unpopular. It has always been alive underground.

What can we expect from the debut album due in September Kingdom of Decay?

A killer Old School Death Metal album!

Do you have more material ready to go?

Yes, we're planning for the second album already. Expect a Darkened album in 2021.

What was your original inspiration to play guitar and initial influences?

Guess it was Iron Maiden/Judas Priest/Saxon that inspired med to start playing the guitar.

Do you listen to any other modern bands and your thoughts on the genre?

I listen to different types of music; it depends with mode I'm in. I like Pink Floyd/The Beatles/Classical music/ABBA and so on, but mainly I listen to METAL.

What goes into the perfect riff?

Hard to say, but I like when a riff is a bit weird, a riff that surprise and have different levels. But a straightforward riff could be very cool too.

The greatest riff you've ever heard that you wish was yours?

Its too hard to answer this one he he

What are you doing when you aren't playing guitar?

Hanging with my wife and my kids. I like to play video games and see good movies.

Is Ordo Infernus and Angel Blast still continuing?

Angel Blast is still active.

Will 2020 influence Darkened in any way?

Don't think so.

Top 6 Albums of all time?

Random order: Death "Leprosy",

Morbid Angel "Altar Of Madness",

Iron Maiden the first 6 albums,

Death "Spiritual Healing",

Pestilence "Consuming Impulse",

Celtic Frost "Morbid Tales",

Death "Scream Bloody Gore",

Paradise Lost "Lost Paradise",

Queensryche "Rage For Order",

Savatage "Dungeons Are Calling", and the list goes on... 🙂

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