Ben (Bass) ‘’Back in 2012 we formed this band as a musical project between friends. It took some time to find the right attitude, style of music and also the first complete line-up which laid the foundation to what we are doing today.
‘’The name Convictive fell to our feet just as we started with the first songs of this post black metal style. We had a bunch of possible names, but this one seemed to be the right one right from the beginning.
Your intent to live a life of Black?
‘’All of us made a lot of experiences in different kinds of music, also in different ways of life. But all of these ways led to the realization, that a single life is just a very small piece of everything. With our music, we deliver pain in all it ́s expressions.
You have a new vocalist. How did this happen and how you found Nova?
''One of the main topics here is for sure the corona pandemic, which took it ́s toll in so many ways. We don’t want to blame anyone for anything during the past two years, because we all know the challenges we had to solve. So please respect that we don’t call further intentions for the change of our vocalist. We want to thank Jay for her work in the past years and wish her all the best.
Nova was a lucky punch! We found her last year when we saw her performance of an Immortal Cover on her social media profile – a few weeks later we did the first try-out and got to the conclusion that this cooperation is the right way for us and her.

How will the new vocal style affect your music?
''On the one hand we go back to our roots, as Nova has particularly more of the style from our first singer Jalina. On the other hand, we will take the chance to promote Nova’s awesome talent, so be sure that we will come back way more powerful than ever known. Also, Nova’s lyrical inspiration opens the door to more darkness
The decision to use native German language
We always wrote our lyrics in our mother tongue and never saw any reason to refrain from doing so. In the beginning we also had some songs in English, but we stopped writing those as we came to the conclusion that we can more freely express ourselves in our German mother tongue instead of trying to express ourselves in any other language in amateurish ways.
Also, it is a fact, that the German language sounds way harsher and more aggressive than
English language and that’s a point which is also interesting for our performance.
Are you proud to be called black metal?
''No, we are not proud to be called black metal, or post black metal or anything else. We just do what we want, write music as we like. We don’t categorize ourselves and we do not support any clichés.
‘’My personal opinion on this subject is that the black metal scene is way more open for
influences than the past waves.
‘’We don’t live in the woods, we don’t murder each other, we are not burning down churches. Furthermore, we are making great music, are open minded towards other people and other styles of music. That’s why we – for the most part – have a pretty vital and diverse scene. And that’s what we love about it
‘’Our lyrical inspiration isn’t against society. It is about society. About mankind, behaviour, fears, hopes, chances, causalities, conflicts, power...
‘’We are coping with a multitude of situations in life, and we use those moments as inspiration for creating songs and writing lyrics
Who is the Animus?
It’s about fighting your inner demons as well as it is about finding yourself and facing the
adversities the outside world holds.
Split releases with other bands?
‘’This one was a logical step, due to the fact that we are sharing our rehearsal room with our brothers in Krähenfeld and as we also share some band members. Our drummer is also drummer for Krähenfeld and I play bass in both bands. We are good friends to each other and found ourselves some years ago, started to share some stages a long time before we shared our bandmembers. The final decision for „Konvergenz “was due to reason, that both of us were not ready to deliver a full own long player during corona pandemic, but wanted to create something new.
When can we expect a full length?
‘’We don’t want to make clear predictions, but we are in the writing process and are working to make that happen as soon as possible.
Plans for the future.
‘’First step is t to get back onstage after two years of almost full stage abstinence because of the world-wide situation. We made the beginning with two club shows in the past week, which were also, the first concerts with Nova.
This year we will also play some festivals, for example Metal Days in Slovenia. We look forward to getting back there!
Actually, we are working on some footage for our YouTube Channel, so keep that in mind.
Top 6 albums of all time?
It’s very hard to name only six, especially because of our diverse musical backgrounds.
But if we have to decide:
- Behemoth – The Satanist
- Mgla – Exercises in Futility
- Watain – The Wild Hunt
- Enslaved – Ruun
- Harakiri for the Sky - Aokigahara
- Last but not least, greetings to down under Ne Obliviscaris – Portal of I