Resonance - Meschera - Darktide - Loather - Eave
Meschera – Жатва (The Reaping) 9/10 From their beginnings in 2022 with the evocative ‘’ Зимним хладом’’ and ‘’...
Resonance - Meschera - Darktide - Loather - Eave
Resonance - Sacrenoir - Craving - Infernal Curse - Median Omega
Oryad - '' Darkness and light can manifest in different ways''
DARKTIDE - ''A dismal time lacking in culture and knowledge''
Black Oak - '' The turmoil of the human world is a manifestation of our inner states''
Resonance - Starer- Mnajdra-Hate Manifesto -Immortal
Resonance - BALMOG - Mournful Congregation- Mavorim - Kvad