Resonance - Arde, Doodswens, Earthwomb, Lhaad, Anomalie, Sapienta Diaboli
Arde – Ancestral Cult 9/10 Berlins Arde have taken the term of Dense Black metal and built upon it....
Resonance - Arde, Doodswens, Earthwomb, Lhaad, Anomalie, Sapienta Diaboli
Resonance- Autokrator, Blodtar, Wombbath, Loose Sutures
Signs of Tranquility - Metal , Modern and Melodic !
Resonance- Vahrzaw, Aeon, Häxkapell , Rivers of Nihil
Noltem - Ethereal Escapist Music
Withered Land - Atmospheric Epic Black Metal
Virtue of Decay - Faith , Despair and Darkness
Lamashtus - Sinister Avant Garde Black Metal
Waldgefluster- Profound, Earthen, Heavy